No matter what your reason and motivation is you can easily follow the following steps in order to lose some fast weight and be ready for the bikini season.
This diet plan is established by a great company called General Motors and it can help you lose some fast weight in just 7 days.
Here is the amazing plant that will come to your rescue:
Day 1: Eat Only Fruits:
You don’t have to restrict yourself to a couple of serving or starve. Just whenever you feel hungry snack on some fruit, any fruit. The recommended choices are cantaloupe, strawberries, peaches, watermelon and custard apples. But you can consume anything you want just make sure that the whole day involves fruits. If you can, skip the bananas.
Day 2: All-Vegetable Day:
On this day, you can eat only vegetables and you can even cook them or boil them just you shouldn’t add oil. Drink plenty of water every day.
Day 3: Combine Fruits and Vegetables:
Eat everything you ate the previous dates and you can mix them up however you like. Drink water a lot and of course, avoid the banana.
Day 4: Banana and Milk:
On this day, you can eat the fruit that you were forbidden before. You should eat 8 bananas and drink 3-4 glasses of milk.
Day 5: Rice and Tomatoes:
This day allows you to have 8 tomatoes in the day and eat 1 cup of boiled rice for lunch. The tomatoes can develop acids so you should drink even more water on this day.
Day 6: Rice and Veggies:
This is a feast day because you can make your own combination of 1 cup of rice mixed with many vegetables. Drink as much water as you can.
Day 7: Finale:
You have reached the end of this diet plan and it involves 1 cup of rice, vegetables and fruit juice in order to expel toxins and clean your body.